13 April 2009


Not only does it smell sublime, but rose oil heals, hydrates, moisturises and softens skin of all ages

By Daily Mail Reporter

Now here’s a quick history lesson. It’s only since the 19th century that the fragrant rose has become best known for its use in perfumery.

Before that, roses were grown mainly for their medicinal properties. The Persians are credited with being the first to separate the essential oils from the petals by floating the flowers in water and waiting for the sun to do its work.

Rose hips are the fruit of the wild rose, or Rosa canina, and they have an incredibly high vitamin C content - eight times the amount, weight for weight, that you get from oranges.

No wonder wild rose hips were gathered during World War II, when citrus fruits were scarce, and made into a syrup for children.

‘Rose absolute has been proven to help repair broken capillaries and calm redness. It is also an excellent tissue hydrator,’ she says.

That aside, the aroma is uplifting. ‘Rose Absolute is believed to help reduce anxiety, promote feelings of well-being and is useful in helping to cope with depression or stress,’ says Lynne.

The queen of all rose oils is rose otto - extracted from the species Rosa Damascena.

Morocco is one of the few places that can grow this flower in large enough quantities to produce the oil - it takes an incredible 2,000 roses to create just one gram of the wonderful stuff.

To view entire artical http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1169531/Roses-rescue-Light-oil-hydrates-moisturises-softens-skin-ages.html

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