The Science Of Smell [ 2007-6-10 ]
By P. Gopakumar
MODERN researches suggest that smells and odours actively influence our moods, memory, deep emotion, the endocrine glands and even the immune systems. The science of smell is one of the oldest forms of natural medical care dating back to centuries of years. Aromatic oils and herbs were then used to beautify bodies, for physical and mental well being, for religious purposes and for embalming. Natural oils that smell are used for controlling pain or for rubbing into the body during massage. In other words, this healing system relies on the most potent, vital essence of plant energy called essential oils extracted from the roots, stems, leaves and flowers - the life force of plants.
Since a single drop of an essential oil is equal in value to an ounce of living, the essence is highly potent. These essential oils are natural capacitors, with the ability to store energy and release it when needed. Absorbed into the system through inhalation and application, they enter the body and leave within a stipulated time to have an instant effect. Aromatherapy offers a holistic natural approach in treating an array of physical, mental and emotional problems, affecting the state of an individual.
Essential oils control the negative feelings while helping stimulate the positive ones and, in general, enhance emotional equilibrium and relaxation. Smelling peppermint is enough to overcome lethargy. If you cannot sleep, try sprinkling lavender oil on your pillow to doze off peacefully. As excellent stress relievers, essential oils are a boon to insomniacs. If you are suffering from nasal congestion and cough, eucalyptus oil could be just fine.
Our sense of smell is working all the time, although we are least aware of it. It can constantly evoke a certain memory and can just as quickly signal a change of mood. Scents have this power over our olfactory system, which is directly connected to the brain. The responses, thus, created affect the digestive and nervous system, thereby, our emotional behaviour. It is accepted that deep relaxation and a sense of well being can be associated with certain smells, and this could contribute to the healing process.
Lavender has been shown to increase the alpha waves in the brain - associated with a relaxed state - possibly in triggering soporific hormones in the brain. Overweight people can breathe in inhalers containing banana, green apple or peppermint scents whenever they feel hungry. These scents are enough to make one feel satisfied, as a result of which they tend to eat less. This can help in losing weight without going on a diet or regular exercising.
A bit of peppermint can keep one focused and alert. It can boost performance and help in jobs needing great concentration. It is a proven fact that exposures to peppermint help air traffic controllers feel less tired and make them more focussed. In Japan, researchers claimed that when a lemon scent was wafted through the workplace, errors by keyboard operators dropped by 54 percent. Jasmine, on the other hand, minimised errors by 33 percent. A pleasing scent can also lift one�s spirits.
Aromatherapy has also marked its presence in the world of beauty. Almost magical in their properties, essential oils can help achieve a glowing skin. They also fight wrinkles, loss of flexibility, pigmentation and other skin complaints besides scalp problems like dandruff and hair loss.
Essential oils also have medicinal properties like antiseptics, antibacterial, disinfectant, antiviral and antitoxic. But their greatest effectiveness lies in their ability to revitalise, cure, disinfect and stimulate the metabolism by releasing toxins and accelerating healthy cell production. This form of treatment is totally free of any side effects when used under the direction of a qualified aroma therapist. It is also a safe, effective, environment-friendly alternative to conventional medicines and cosmetics.
For optimum effect, aromatherapy is best prescribed depending on the nature of specific illness. Each individual being unique, the combination of oils prescribed would also be unique. Smell being the most essential factor, the oil has to appeal to the user in order to extract maximum benefits. Aromas may have varied effects on people. More than two hundred varieties of essential oils can be concocted, each having its distinct therapeutic properties.
After inquiring into one�s lifestyle and medical history, the aroma therapist will either decide oils they consider suitable or ask the patient to select their preferred aromas. The oil, which must be of high quality and free of additives, should be diluted in vegetable-based carrier oil for massage. An aromatherapy massage uses techniques to relieve tension and improve circulation. It is believed that this allows oil molecules to get absorbed into the blood stream to pass efficiently into the nervous system. Massage can cause sleepiness and aching muscles. A full body massage usually lasts for about an hour while a face massage lasts for thirty minutes.
Geranium, lavender and sandalwood are excellent bath oils. To scent a room, put 2-3 drops of oil with little water in a vaporiser and place it over a lighted candle. Asthmatics and those who suffer from nasal bleeding should avoid inhalations. Rosemary and German chamomile oils are contraindicated during pregnancy. Intake of oils should be only under the direction of a qualified therapist. Do not apply oils near the eyes. Keep them away from flames and children.
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